3 Finds duplicates within or between lists of files
4 Find Duplicate Files
5 \nReading the selected directory listing(s)...
6 Add file(s)
7 Select folder to add
8 Loading file list...
9 Not all of the files were added to the list.
10 The second list is empty. To use the "between lists" duplicate search mode, you must add at least one item to the second list.
12 Searching for duplicates...
13 No duplicate files were found.
14 \n%s: Scanning item %d of %d
15 First list
16 Second list
17 \nComparing Files...
18 Nothing to do - you haven't chosen to rename or delete any files.
19 You have chosen to
20 delete %d file(s)
21 rename %d file(s)
22 and
23 .\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed?
24 Please Confirm Actions
25 Executing command...
26 Unable to rename "%s" to "%s"
27 Delete/Rename
28 Original Path
29 Delete File
30 About Duplicate Finder...
31 File Size
32 \nSorting files, please wait...
33 \nFinal Step: Making duplicate lists...
34 Unable to rename "%s": File name is too long! Would you like to skip this file and continue?
35 Rename cancelled because you used an illegal character. A filename cannot contain a tab or any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |
36 Rename cancelled: you must enter a filename!
37 The folder you selected could not be accessed.
38 %s is a read-only file. Are you sure you want to delete it?
39 %s is a system file. Are you sure you want to delete it?
41 Could not delete "%s"
42 Find Duplicates
43 found
44 set(s) of duplicates formed
46 The first list is empty; you must add files to it before you can begin processing.
47 No duplicate images were found.
48 This compares every selected file to every other selected file to find duplicates. For example, if you have selected a folder, then every file in the folder is compared to every other file in the folder.
49 This looks for duplicates of the selected files elsewhere. You will be asked to select a second list of files/folders when you click Next.
50 &Next >
52 E&xit
53 &Finish
54 Delete
55 Rename
56 If you go back now, you will lose the search results and cancel any actions you have selected to perform. Go back anyway?
57 Click Next to perform the duplicate search.
58 < &Back
59 &Stop
60 Modify File Selection
61 Select a folder to replace the selected folder(s)
62 Duplicate Finder:
63 Select Search Type
64 Second File List
65 Search Parameters
66 Search Results
67 Confirmation
68 Error opening "%s":\n\n%s
69 One or more of the items you attempted to add to the list were already in the list; they have not been added again.
70 One or more of the items you attempted to add to the list were already in the list, or were already in the first list on the previous page; they have not been added again.
71 The second list contained item(s) that were already in the first list; these have been removed.
72 &Sets of duplicates: %d
73 %s is a read-only file. Are you sure you want to rename it?